What Is Intuition? An Explanation of Inner Guidance

Women Tapping into Her Intuition

Intuition is an awareness, inner knowing, or understanding that transcends the rational mind and provides insight and guidance. It’s believed that this awareness, or sensitivity, comes from a source beyond our immediate awareness of the physical, three-dimensional world.

Intuition is widely recognized and utilized in various spiritual traditions. Yet, its nature and workings remain a subject of ongoing exploration. 

Intuition Highlights

  • Intuition transcends the information that we receive from the immediate, physical, or material, world.
  • Psychological approaches associate intuition with the subconscious mind, using techniques, such as dream analysis and hypnosis, to tap into insights from subconscious aspects of our personality.
  • In metaphysics, intuition is seen as a direct perception that transcends physical reality, providing access to higher dimensions of consciousness.
  • From a spiritual perspective, intuition is believed to be information that comes from our soul, higher self, or enlightened beings, such as spirit guides or angels. 
  • Various techniques and practices, such as prayer, meditation, and body work, can help us tap into our intuition.


Throughout history, people of diverse cultures have believed in our ability to tap into information that is beyond the immediate physical world. 

For example, ancient Indigenous animist cultures believed that all things, including people, animals, plants, and minerals and other inanimate objects, all possessed spirit, or consciousness, which they could connect with on a spiritual level. Indeed, many modern-day Indigenous and other Peoples share these same beliefs.

In Western philosophy, intuition has been discussed by many prominent thinkers, often about the nature of knowledge and understanding. For example, Plato regarded intuition as a form of divine inspiration. At the same time, Descartes saw it as the highest form of human experience, providing clear and specific knowledge that surpasses sensory perception and reasoning.

Furthermore, those who believe in spiritual guides and angels believe that intuitive guidance comes from these enlightened spiritual entities, or beings.

Intuition and the Higher Self

In modern, or New Age, spirituality, intuition is associated with the higher self or the soul. It’s seen as a means of accessing the wisdom and guidance of the core of who we are, which transcends our physical bodies. The higher self, or soul, is believed to possess a broader perspective and more profound understanding than our conscious mind. Some call this awareness Universal Wisdom. 

This perspective often emphasizes the importance of developing and trusting our intuition as a means of making decisions that serve our highest good and align with our soul’s purpose.

Intuition and Metaphysics

In metaphysics, intuition is often discussed in relation to the nature of reality and consciousness. Some metaphysical perspectives regard intuition as a form of direct perception, or knowing, that transcends the limitations of the third dimension, which is the material world, and enables us to access higher dimensions of consciousness. This view suggests that intuition provides access to a deeper level of reality beyond the apparent material world.

Spiritual Tools and Techniques to Access Intuition

Today, a number of spiritual practices and techniques are designed to enhance and utilize intuition. Some examples include meditation, prayer, energy healing, and channeling. 

These practices often involve quieting the mind and tuning into subtle sensations, feelings, and impressions, which are seen as the language of intuition.

Intuition and the Subconscious Mind

In psychological terms, intuition is often associated with the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is believed to process information and experiences in a way that is different from the conscious mind. For example, it can often use symbolic language and imagery. This perspective suggests that intuition is a form of communication from the subconscious mind to the conscious mind. Thus, it provides insights and guidance that may not be accessible to our conscious awareness.

Psychological Techniques to Access Intuition

Psychological techniques and practices, such as dream analysis, hypnosis, and various forms of therapy, are designed to access and utilize the intuitive wisdom of the subconscious mind. These practices often involve exploring and interpreting the symbolic language of the subconscious as a means of gaining insight and understanding.

Intuition and the Body

Intuitive information is generally recognized as coming from a source beyond the material world. Nevertheless, it is often connected to our body and physical sensations. 

This perspective suggests that our bodies possess a form of wisdom and intelligence that is different from the rational mind, and that our intuition can manifest as physical sensations or ‘gut feelings.’ 

This view is often linked to the concept of embodied cognition, the idea that our cognition is not just in our brain but is also deeply interconnected with our bodily experiences.

Many practices and techniques, such as yoga, tai chi, and various forms of bodywork, are designed to enhance our awareness of these bodily sensations and to cultivate our intuitive wisdom. These practices often involve focusing on the breath, movement, and physical sensations as a means of tuning into our intuitive guidance.

Developing Intuition

Intuition is a natural ability that we all have access to. Yet, many believe it can be developed and enhanced with practice and through various techniques, some of which are mentioned above.

Some of these techniques include:

  • Meditation 
  • Mindfulness
  • Prayer
  • Dream analysis
  • Journaling
  • Past life regression
  • Creating art
  • Reiki healing
  • Yoga
  • Tai chi

Developing intuition often involves learning to quiet the mind and tuning into subtle inner sensations, feelings, and impressions. It also usually consists of cultivating a sense of trust in this inner guidance. Then, learning to act on it, even when it may not make sense to the rational mind.


Intuition can serve as a bridge between our intellectual awareness to greater understanding and higher states of consciousness. By developing our intuitive abilities, we can deepen our connection to higher states of consciousness. Thus, we can tap into guidance that we can use in our daily lives and beyond.

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Kristen M. Stanton

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