Grasshopper Meaning & Symbolism & the Grasshopper Spirit Animal

Grasshopper on Marigolds
Grasshopper symbolism and meanings include the student, self-expression, music, fertility, abundance, good luck, faith, courage, water, and transformation.

There are more than 10,000 species of grasshoppers on Earth and they are found on every continent except Antarctica. So, chances are, wherever you go, people are familiar with these noisy insects. In fact, many of us are intrigued with grasshoppers and this is undoubtedly why they appear in the mythology and folklore of so many cultures. Furthermore, grasshoppers have symbolic and spiritual meaning to many.

In this post, we’ll explore all aspects of grasshopper meaning and symbolism, including grasshopper spiritual meanings and the grasshopper spirit animal, plus grasshopper mythology, folklore, and more.
Red, Black, and Yellow Grasshopper

What do grasshoppers symbolize?

Grasshopper Looking at You

As mentioned above, here are some high-level meanings associated with grasshoppers. We’ll go into more detail on these throughout this post.

  • Student or novice
  • Self-expression
  • Music
  • Fertility 
  • Abundance
  • Good luck
  • Faith 
  • Courage
  • Water
  • Transformation

Grasshopper Meaning: The Student or Novice

The symbolism of a grasshopper representing a student or novice has its roots in the early 1970s TV show “Kung Fu.”

In the series, a wise old monk named Master Po is tutoring a young Shaolin monk named Kwai Chang Caine. Master Po is blind and when the boy expresses pity at the old monk’s blindness, Master Po says, “Never assume because a man has no eyes that he cannot see.” And then he asks the boy, “Do you hear the grasshopper at your feet?” Kwai Chang Caine looks down and sees a grasshopper that he hadn’t noticed before that moment perched at his feet. 

Thus, Master Po nicknamed Kwai Chang Caine “Grasshopper” to remind him that he was a novice and only at the start of his journey of self-realization. The first step in the process was not to judge but to be more receptive and observant.

Here’s the scene from the TV show:

It should be noted that being a student or novice is not an undignified state. Rather, it is a reminder to be open-minded, humble, and curious. In Zen Buddhism, this is referred to as “having a beginner’s mind.” So, the grasshopper embodies the idea of being curious, open to learning, and willing to grow. 


Grasshopper Illustrations

Grasshoppers are known for their distinctive chirping or buzzing sounds, which serve as a form of communication as well as courtship. The grasshopper creates sounds by rubbing their back legs across their wings, and some species also snap their wings. They can also make chirping sounds with their mouths.1

Because grasshoppers are noisy, grasshopper meaning embodies the idea of self-expression. The grasshopper spirit animal encourages you to explore your unique voice, to speak up about what matters to you, and to find ways to express yourself. This can be through art, music, or writing, as well as how you dress or simply present yourself to the world. 

Grasshopper Symbolism: Music

As they are symbols of self-expression, grasshoppers also embody the spirit of music. Indeed, music is a powerful driving force for joy, regeneration, and healing. Even psychics who tune into the spirit world say that spirits enjoy music and that they are present in concert halls, especially those with large numbers of people.2

So, if a grasshopper appears in your life, it can be a sign to follow a musical path or to at least attend more concerts and surround yourself with more music. The grasshopper reminds you to never underestimate the power of music.

Fertility and Abundance

Like the frog (who is also a symbol of fertility and abundance), the grasshopper has a high reproductive capacity. In fact, a female grasshopper can lay 200 eggs in a season and sometimes even 400 or more.3

Because of this, grasshopper symbolism also includes fertility and abundance. So, the grasshopper is a good luck symbol if you’re trying to conceive or want to expand your family in some way. 

Likewise, the grasshopper is a good luck symbol for anything in your life that you want to see grow or multiply, such as your finances or other opportunities.

Grasshopper Meaning: Good Luck

Just as the grasshopper has positive associations, including fertility and abundance, they are also symbols of good luck. So, a grasshopper appearing in your life, whether in real life, art, or the media, is a positive sign for good fortune coming your way.

Faith and Courage

The grasshopper is known for their jumping ability. In fact, some species can jump over 4 feet (1.2 meters.) By comparison, this would be like a human jumping the distance of a football field!4

Because of this extraordinary ability, the grasshopper embodies the idea of taking a leap of faith, or going for it.

So, if a grasshopper appears in your life, it can be a sign to overcome your fears and embrace bigger opportunities. The grasshopper reminds you to have faith and trust in your own capabilities. As Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re probably right.” The grasshopper is a reminder to believe in yourself. You can do it!

Grasshopper Symbolism: Water

Even though the grasshopper isn’t a water insect in the way, for example, a dragonfly is, grasshopper symbolism still includes water. The reason dates back to the 13th century when the Aztecs migrated from Aztlan to the Mexico basin, settling on a hill called Chapultepec, which today is on the western edge of Mexico City. 

In their pictographs, the Aztecs drew grasshoppers on the peak of the hill. Hence, Chapultepec is sometimes called “Grasshopper Hill.” Today, we know that grasshoppers were abundant in the fields of Mesoamerica after the rainy season.

The Aztecs had sophisticated agricultural systems for their times. In ancient Chapultepec, they built a system of reservoirs and canals from a natural spring that existed there. And in the late 19th century, archaeologists discovered a sculpture of a grasshopper in the main reservoir.5

So, the Aztecs associated the grasshopper with the fertile and restorative powers of water. In essence, as water is a symbol for life, by association, the grasshopper represents life and plenty.

Thus, if a grasshopper appears in your life it can be an affirmation of the positive and healing energy that is around you. It can also mean that you are “in flow” and on the right path. (You can read more about water symbolism in my post about water meanings.)


Like the butterfly or dragonfly, the grasshopper undergoes a process of metamorphosis, starting life as an egg and then becoming a nymph before transforming into an adult grasshopper. As a nymph, the grasshopper has wing pads instead of wings. However, by the time they’re an adult, the grasshopper has grown their wings. 

So, the grasshopper embodies the idea of personal transformation. This transformation can be physical, intellectual, emotional, or even spiritual. After all, we are all on a personal journey as we go through life, which involves continuous growth and evolution. 

Just as a grasshopper leaps from one place to another, we can advance in our lives when we take leaps of faith, and when we simply decide to keep moving forward. 

What does it mean when a grasshopper lands on you?

The grasshopper embodies many positive attributes. So, what does it mean if one jumps in front of you or lands on you? 

If you have the good fortune to have a grasshopper land on you or make their presence known to you, view it as a positive sign. Depending on what’s happening in your life or what’s on your mind at a given moment, the grasshopper can signify that you have good luck on your side.

It’s true that we all face obstacles in life. As the Zen saying goes, “Obstacles do not block the path. They are the path.” You have the power to overcome the challenges you face like a grasshopper leaping over whatever is in their way. 

The grasshopper says, Keep the faith, be brave, and keep moving forward in the direction of your dreams.

Dead Grasshopper Meaning

What does it mean if you see a dead grasshopper? Is it a negative sign or a bad omen? From a spiritual perspective, stumbling upon a dead grasshopper doesn’t mean it’s a bad omen. 

In fact, many psychics believe that when living creatures pass away, their spirits remain attentive to what happens to their earthly bodies. This is why diverse cultures worldwide have established spiritual customs to honor the deceased, whether through burial, cremation, or alternative traditions.

So, when you see a dead grasshopper, it can mean that you’ve been chosen to honor their life and to appropriately dispose of their remains, if possible. You can say a prayer or meditate on their spirit to honor them.

Grasshopper Color Meanings

While grasshoppers are probably best known for having a bright green color, they actually come in a range of hues depending on the species. Here’s what different colors of grasshoppers symbolize:

Green Grasshopper Meaning

Green Grasshopper on Pink Flower

The color green is associated with nature, rejuvenation, growth, fertility, and emotional well-being. It also represents financial abundance. You might notice that many financial institutions incorporate green into their logos. This is because green is a color that exudes both trust and prosperity. 

In general, grasshoppers symbolize prosperity and good luck. So, seeing a green grasshopper is an especially positive omen for abundance and prosperity.

Green is also the color that’s associated with the heart chakra. Your heart chakra, called Anahata in Sanskrit, governs the chest area, including your heart, lungs, and respiratory and circulatory systems. Moreover, it influences your profound emotions and interpersonal relationships.

So, spotting a green grasshopper is also a positive sign for love and relationships. A green grasshopper appearing in your life can be a sign to put your relationships first, continue to nurture them, and to rekindle old connections.

Grasshoppers also symbolize transformation. So, seeing a green grasshopper can be viewed as an encouraging sign from the Universe to embrace change and explore avenues of growth related to your relationships and finances. 

Blue Grasshopper Meaning

Blue symbolizes faith, loyalty, trust, tranquility, and wisdom. So, if you see a blue grasshopper, it can be a sign to have faith and trust that things will evolve in your favor. 

As blue is the color of water, which the grasshopper also symbolizes, seeing a blue grasshopper has extra special meanings. Your blue grasshopper can be telling you that everything is in flow.

Blue is also the color of the throat chakra, which is Vishuddha chakra in Sanskrit. Your throat chakra rules your communication and how you express yourself. So, seeing a blue grasshopper can be a reminder to express yourself with honesty and integrity, and to communicate your hopes and dreams (even if only in your prayers.) When you do, good luck and abundance can flow in your favor. 

Brown Grasshopper Meaning

Brown Grasshopper

The color brown evokes feelings of earthiness, reminding us of the grounding aspects of natural elements such as wood and soil. So, brown grasshoppers symbolize a connection to the Earth and feeling grounded, stable, and secure.

Encountering a brown grasshopper can be a gentle reminder to ground yourself and reconnect with the basics of life. The brown grasshopper says – Honor and appreciate the genuine aspects of your existence. Take a moment to acknowledge the solid foundation upon which you can thrive and grow.

Moreover, a brown grasshopper can indicate a need to pay attention to your home environment. Is your home a sanctuary that brings you peace, or does it generate stress? 

A brown grasshopper appearing in your life can be like a nudge to reevaluate your living space. Maybe it’s time for a deep cleaning, getting some new houseplants or an indoor fountain, or creating a soothing atmosphere with mellow music. In this way, you can invite a greater sense of harmony and stability in your surroundings, which can provide a healthy foundation for personal growth.

Yellow Grasshopper Meaning

A yellow grasshopper, like a yellow butterfly or yellow flowers, symbolizes happiness, optimism, intellect, and honor. 

In the realm of the chakras, yellow represents the third chakra, known as Manipura in Sanskrit. It governs the solar plexus and it represents your willpower and how you assert yourself in the world.

So, a yellow grasshopper is a reminder of your personal power. Just as the grasshopper embodies courage and faith, a yellow grasshopper is an extra reminder to believe in yourself and to not be afraid to express your feelings.

Orange Grasshopper Meaning

An orange grasshopper, like orange flowers or a monarch butterfly, embodies the powerful dynamics of the vibrant color orange. 

Orange represents joy, creativity, healing, and vitality. In the realm of the chakras, the second chakra, known as the sacral chakra or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, corresponds to the color orange. This chakra resides in the lower abdomen and influences both gut instincts and sexuality, working in conjunction with the root chakra.

When you encounter an orange grasshopper, it serves as a gentle reminder to consider the aspects of your life that require nurturing. This might pertain to your relationships, whether with family, friends, colleagues, or romantic partners. Or it can represent your physical wellness.

By nurturing your well-being and that of others, you unlock increased creativity, sensuality, and overall happiness. The presence of an orange grasshopper can indicate that adjustments to your health and wellness routines can be necessary for your overall growth and fulfillment.

Moreover, the orange grasshopper encourages you to trust your instincts and make decisions swiftly. Emulating the fast and agile nature of the grasshopper, remember to heed your gut instincts and embrace decisive action.

Red Grasshopper Meaning

Red-legged Grasshopper
Red-legged grasshopper (Melanoplus femurrubrum), Ontario, Canada. Photo: Paul Harrison.

Like a red dragonfly, a red bird, or even red flowers, a red grasshopper evokes the powerful dynamics of the color red, including primal energy, passion, intensity, and wealth. 

Red is the color that is associated with the first chakra, also known as the root chakra or Muladhara in Sanskrit. This chakra is the energetic foundation of your physical well-being, your passion for life, and your sense of security. Just as the name suggests, the root chakra helps to establish a feeling of groundedness and security within yourself.

So, if a red grasshopper appears in your life, it can be a sign to evaluate whether you  need to fortify those aspects in your life that make you feel powerful and secure. These aspects of your life could be physical, environmental, financial, emotional, or even spiritual. 

The red grasshopper can also be asking you if you feel enough passion in your life. Perhaps your career is boring you or you’ve lost your zest for life. The red grasshopper says to seek out people who stimulate you and experiences that strike a chord and make you want to explore more.

And just as the color red is also a symbol of wealth and abundance, a red grasshopper is a good luck sign for bringing more prosperity into your life.

Black Grasshopper Meaning

Black Grasshopper

As with black butterfly meaning or the iconic black cat, a black grasshopper has profound associations. A black grasshopper symbolizes mystery, formality, elegance, and rebellion. 

Thus, a black grasshopper appearing in your life can signify that it’s time to break with the status quo and do something unconventional. It might also mean to do so with an element of mystery or discretion.

The black butterfly might also be challenging you to delve deeper into an issue or situation to gain greater insights. Doing so could be transformative for you.

Grasshopper Mythology and Folklore

Throughout history, the grasshopper has intrigued people of diverse backgrounds around the world. So, it’s no surprise that these intriguing and boisterous insects have made their way into the mythologies and folklore of many cultures. Here are some of those stories:

Grasshopper Meaning in Japan

Grasshopper on Gourd Vin
“Grasshopper on Gourd Vine” by Shibata Zeshin (1807–1891). Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Just as they revere dragonflies, Japanese people are also fans of grasshoppers. In fact, Japanese children will even keep grasshoppers as pets. This love of the grasshopper could have its roots in Chinese culture, where ancient Chinese nobility would make an event out of listening to “singing” insects, including crickets and grasshoppers.6

The Japanese associated the grasshopper with the Shinto deity Raijin, who is the god of lightning, thunder, and storms. According to Japanese folklore, grasshoppers would sing and make noise to foretell Raijin’s arrival. 

In addition, in Japan, grasshoppers are symbols of good luck and prosperity. 

Underscoring the cultural appreciation for these insects, grasshoppers appear regularly in Japanese art and literature. One famous story called “The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket” by Yasunari Kawabata is a celebration of honoring the differences in each other and cherishing that which makes each of us unique.7

Grasshoppers in Chinese Culture

Grasshopper on Chinese Snuff Bottle
A 19th century Chinese snuff bottle depicting grasshoppers. Source: Walters Art Museum by Henry Walters.

As in Japan, the grasshopper is a symbol of  good luck and prosperity in China. As mentioned above, in ancient Chinese tradition, the nobility would make an event out of listening to the “music” of grasshoppers.

Just as with the Japanese deity Raijin, the Chinese associate the grasshopper with the Taoist deity Leigong, who rules storms, thunder, and lightning.8 The Chinese say when grasshoppers are noisy, Leigong is beating his drums. 

Furthermore, in the Chinese practice of feng shui, finding a grasshopper in your house is a good omen that indicates good fortune and prosperity are coming your way. Hence, feng shui practitioners will place grasshopper figurines and artwork in auspicious places around the home and garden, particularly in the wealth section according to the bagua map.

Native American Grasshopper Meanings

Native American Grasshopper Bowl
Mogollon bowl depicting a grasshopper. Ca. 11th-12th century. Source: Cleveland Museum of Art.

Native Americans have mixed views about grasshoppers. On the one hand, they revere them for their special qualities. However, agricultural Native American societies also view them as pests because large influxes of grasshoppers can destroy crops. Perhaps it is due to this ambivalence that the grasshopper is often portrayed as a trickster in many Native American stories. Here are some examples:

Hopi Grasshopper Meanings

The Hopi of the American Southwest say that grasshoppers carry messages from the gods when they sing. However, the Hopi also tell their children that if they’re disobedient, grasshoppers will bite off their noses.9

Grasshopper and Coyote Legend

In one Hopi legend, the grasshopper plays a trick on the ultimate Native American trickster, the coyote.

Once upon a time, Grasshopper was working in the fields with his friend Coyote. It was a hot day, so he told Coyote that he would go back to his pueblo and fetch a jug of water. 

When he got home, Grasshopper told his children to go play at their family friend Deer’s home. Then, Grasshopper laid down with his feet up on the wall to take a nap.

After toiling in the fields without water, Coyote became too hot and tired  to work anymore, so he went to find Grasshopper. 

When he came to Grasshopper’s pueblo and saw him resting with his feet up, Coyote became angry. “How can you be resting like that?” he asked.

However, Grasshopper said, “I am not resting! I had to put my feet on the wall to hold it up because the wall was caving in.” 

Eager to help his friend, Coyote also laid down and put his feet up on the wall. Grasshopper thanked him and said he would now go and fetch the water. 

Again, Coyote waited and waited. Eventually, he became impatient, deciding he would take his feet off the wall and run from the pueblo before it caved in. However, when he took his feet down, he saw that the wall did not cave in. This made him even angrier.

He went looking for Grasshopper. And when he picked up on the scent of grasshoppers, Coyote ran faster, barking, “I will eat your children, Grasshopper!”

Coyote kept running in the direction of the scent. Finally, he came to a den where the smell of grasshoppers was very strong. So, he entered and climbed down a ladder.

But at the bottom of the ladder there were two large bucks with giant antlers. Angry that Coyote had entered their home, the bucks picked him up and threw him about. And as they did, Grasshopper and all of his children ran out of the den and scattered themselves in the fields.

And this is why you see grasshoppers jumping in the fields.10

Pueblo Grasshopper Stories

The Pueblo Native Americans also depicted the grasshopper as a mischief-maker. 

According to one legend, there was a couple named Mr. and Mrs. Dried Up Corn who had two beautiful maiden daughters named White Corn and Blue Corn. As was custom, in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Dried Up Corn told the girls to go out and find some peas for their dinner. 

As the corn maidens searched for peas, they came across some grasshoppers dancing and singing in the fields. When the grasshoppers saw the girls, they began to hop away.

However, enjoying the music and dancing, White Corn and Blue Corn begged the grasshoppers to stay. The grasshoppers said they would, as long as the girls gave them some of their peas. So, the maidens gave them some peas and the grasshoppers began to dance and sing again:

“We are bow-legged.
Our faces are as hard as can be;
But whatever else may be,
They are alike on both sides; you see.
Fee-de-qui quah, quah.
Fee-de-qui, quah, quah.”

When the grasshoppers finished the song, the corn maidens begged them to continue. The grasshoppers said they would if the girls gave them more peas. 

And so it went on, the grasshoppers singing and dancing until the corn maidens ran out of peas. Once they did, the grasshoppers hopped away and White Corn and Blue Corn went home and went to bed without any dinner.11

The Grasshopper Pueblo

In addition to telling grasshopper stories, the Pueblo named one of their settlements after these illustrious  insects. While historians debates how the Grasshopper Pueblo got its name, what is clear is that it is the location of a well-populated and sophisticated society 12

Lenape Grasshopper War Folktale

The Lenape tell a story about a grasshopper, which has come to be known as “The Grasshopper War.” 

In the old days, there were two Lenape villages that were on the opposite sides of a river. The villagers were friendly with each other. The men would hunt together, the women shared their work, and the children played together.

One day, all of the children were on one side of the river and a young child, who lived on the opposite side, found a giant green grasshopper in the field. He ran to show his friends who all beamed at the size of the insect.

However, a local boy grew jealous about the grasshopper that was found by so young a child and on his side of the river. So, he claimed the grasshopper actually belonged to him. 

Soon a quarrel broke out over the grasshopper. More of the children joined the argument, each child siding with those who lived on their side of the river. In no time, the fight grew into an all-out brawl, with all of the children fighting. 

Soon, the women came running. As each wanted to protect their child, the women also started to fight. Hearing the noise, the men came running back to the village. And seeing the battle taking place, they soon joined in. The fighting became so fierce that many were hurt. They even lost track of what they were fighting about.13

Grasshopper in Kawaiisu Folklore

The Kawaiisu are a Native Californian ethnic group who also have legends about grasshoppers. According to their stories, there is a giant ogre spirit named Haakapainiži. Walking with two canes and a giant basket on his back, Haakapainiži looks like an enormous grasshopper.

Haakapainiži is known to sing sweetly to children. However, once they are calm, he grabs them and puts them in his basket and brings them back to his lair to eat them.14

Grasshoppers in Maya and Aztec Mythology

Grasshopper Hill
Chapultepec Hill, by Juan de Tovar. Ca. 1546-1626. Source: John Carter Brown Library.

As mentioned earlier, the grasshopper was an important figure in ancient Mesoamerican societies. The Mayas and Aztecs associated them with fertility and abundance, particularly as grasshopper eggs hatched in the warm, rainy season. 

Grasshoppers were also a food source, as they still are today, particularly in Oaxaca.

Like the Indigenous people of the U.S. the native Mesoamericans viewed grasshoppers as a capricious extension of the gods. On the one hand, they were associated with agricultural abundance. But on the other hand, too many of them could wreak havoc on crops, so they were viewed in a negative light.15

Australian Aboriginal Grasshopper Mythology

Burrungkuy (Nourlangie) rock art, Northern Territory, Australia. Image: Kgbo.

As in Chinese and Japanese culture, the Aboriginal Australians associate grasshoppers with their storm god Namarrkon. The storm god resides on the clouds created by the Rainbow Serpent

For the Native Australians, grasshoppers are Namarrkon’s children, whom they call the Alyurr. According to Aboriginal stories, when the Alyurr call to their father with their loud chirping, he answers with powerful storms and displays of lightning.16

Grasshopper Symbolism in Greek Mythology

The Greeks associated chirping grasshoppers with their god of music, Apollo. In fact, one of the symbols of Apollo was a grasshopper playing a lyre.17

In addition to associating them with music, the Greeks viewed grasshoppers as symbols of prosperity and dignity. Historians believe there were many grasshoppers in Athens. Thus, the grasshopper came to be a symbol of Athens and Athenians, where people wore grasshopper jewelry as a sign of local pride.18

Eos and Tithonus

In the Greek myth about Eos and Tithonus, Eos, who is the goddess of dawn, falls in love with a mortal, Tithonus.

Terrified of losing Tithonus to death because he is a mere human, Eos begs the mighty Zeus to make him immortal. However, in her panic, Eos fails to ask Zeus to also give Tithonus eternal youth.

As Tithonus grows older and weaker as the years go by, Eos turns him into a grasshopper to lessen his misery. 

The Grasshopper and the Ant

The Grasshopper and the Ant

Another tale, by the famous Greek storyteller Aesop, involves a grasshopper and an ant. In the fable, the ant toils away all spring, summer, and fall to save food for the winter. Meanwhile, the grasshopper spends the seasons singing, dancing, and enjoying himself. However, when winter comes, the grasshopper has run out of food, while the ant is content and secure.

The Grasshopper in Celtic Mythology

The Celts associated the grasshopper with a Scottish Highlands brownie (or elf) whom they called Maggy Moulach. According to their stories, the mischievous brownie could shapeshift into a grasshopper.19

African Grasshopper Meanings

In some African cultures, the grasshopper symbolizes good luck and prosperity. However, the grasshopper is also depicted as a silly creature in some tales.

The Grasshopper and the Toad

There is an Ashanti story about a grasshopper and a toad who are friends. One evening, the toad invites the grasshopper to dinner. As they sit down to eat, the grasshopper rubs his legs together and makes a lot of noise. The toad complains that the noise is disruptive to his eating. So, the two get into a fight.

The next day, the grasshopper invites the toad to dinner at his house. The grasshopper tells the toad to wash his hands before eating. After the toad washes his hands, he hops back to the table. But the grasshopper complains that when he does, he gets his hands dirty again on the ground. So, the two get into another fight. 

The moral of the story is to accept your friends for who they are and cherish your differences or risk losing the friendship.20

Grasshopper in Ancient Egypt

Grasshopper Pharaoh Horemhab Tomb
A grasshopper depicted on the burial tomb of the Pharaoh Horemhab, 18th Dynasty of Egypt. Ca. 1422-1411 BCE. Source: The Yorck Project.

The ancient Egyptians depicted grasshoppers (and locusts, which are large grasshoppers) in their hieroglyphs as well as on seals, amulets, and other objects. For the Egyptians, grasshoppers symbolized the abundance provided by the Nile River as well as the power of their army. 

The Egyptians also associated grasshoppers and locusts with their god Seth, who ruled chaos and violence. Sometimes he was depicted with the head of a grasshopper.21

Grasshopper Spiritual Meanings

Grasshoppers in Hinduism

Hindus associate grasshoppers with their deity Ram, who is an avatar of the supreme god Vishnu. In fact, Indians call grasshoppers “Ramji ka ghoda,” which loosely translates to Ram’s horse, or mount. Some theories suggest that because grasshoppers have six legs, they represent the deity who is depicted with multiple arms to demonstrate his numerous powers.22

Grasshoppers in Buddhism

In Buddhism, as mentioned earlier, the grasshopper represents having a “beginner’s mind,” or being receptive and open to learning and experiencing things with a fresh perspective. 

In addition, the grasshopper can symbolize our human thoughts, which jump all over the place in a seemingly uncontrolled manner. So, meditation can be akin to calming the jumpy grasshopper in our minds into a state or peacefulness.23

Grasshopper Meaning in the Bible

Grasshoppers have mixed meanings in the Bible. To begin, iIn biblical times, a plague of locusts (which are large grasshoppers) could wipe out crops. So, these insects were often seen as God’s judgment, or punishment.

Grasshoppers are also used as a metaphor for humans amidst God’s infinite power. For example, in Isaiah 40: 21-22, the Prophet Isaiah says, “Don’t you get it? God dwells above the circle of the earth, and those who dwell on earth are like grasshoppers.”24

3 Grasshopper Spiritual Meanings

In reference to what has been written earlier, here are some high-level grasshopper spiritual meanings:

1. Receptivity to spiritual lessons – There is a saying that goes, “Minds are like parachutes. They only function when open.” This is also a grasshopper message. The grasshopper reminds us that we are all students on the spiritual path and being receptive to learning life’s lessons will foster our spiritual growth.

2. Faith – As the grasshopper takes a leap of faith with an unwavering belief that they will land in a good place, they remind us to have faith in our Higher Power and to believe that the Universe is working for our highest good. 

3. Spiritual transformation – The grasshopper goes through an extraordinary metamorphosis in their lifetime. They remind us that we are all spiritual beings who are going through a process of learning and evolving, which will lead to greater awareness and spiritual enlightenment.

Grasshopper Spirit Animal

Grasshopper Child's Finger

If a grasshopper makes themselves known to you, whether in real life, art, literature, the media, or elsewhere – pay attention. There are no coincidences. Your spirit animal serves as a guide, bringing you messages from the Universe to help guide you on your soul’s journey.

When the grasshopper spirit animal is your guide, you are a person who is open to change and new experiences. The Grasshopper embodies the idea of being quick and light on your feet. So, the grasshopper spirit animal reminds you to not be afraid to leap into the unknown and explore new opportunities.

The grasshopper spirit animal also brings a message of good luck and prosperity. When a grasshopper appears in your life, it can be a sign to look for good fortune coming your way. The grasshopper says, Believe that you deserve to have abundance in your life, whatever form that takes.

In addition to the grasshopper, if you are curious about other animals who might be your spirit guides, you can take UniGuide’s spirit animal quiz and read more in my overview post on spirit animals.

Grasshopper Power Animal

As the name implies, a power animal can empower you with their most dynamic traits. For example, you can summon the grasshopper power animal when you: 

  • Want to have more courage when facing a situation or challenge. If something is pushing you out of your comfort zone, remember how the grasshopper doesn’t sit around pondering their fears. Instead, they leap into action and embrace the unknown.
  • Would like to create more abundance in your life. Abundance can include monetary wealth. Yet, it can also embody the richness of experiences, more opportunities, and blessings in your life. 
  • Hope to transform an area of your life. The grasshopper is a powerful symbol of transformation. Seeing a grasshopper is a reminder that you have the capacity to make dramatic changes in your life for the better.

Grasshopper Totem Animal

Glass Grasshopper Figurine
Handmade blown glass grasshopper figurine by Glass Animals.

An animal totem is a helpful talisman that embodies the positive attributes of the animal that it represents. It can also serve as a protective symbol. So, the grasshopper totem animal is a lucky charm for creating abundance or helping anything that you want to grow expand into something greater. In addition, the grasshopper totem is good luck for changes coming your way turning into something better.

Grasshopper Dream Meaning

Napping Grasshopper
Napping Grasshopper by Schmetz Petz.

If a grasshopper enters your dreams and you wonder what the dream means, consider the emotions you felt in your dream. Dreams are personal to each dreamer, so a grasshopper dream to one person may be interpreted very differently from one someone else has.

However, delving into the emotions you felt in your dream in context of how you view grasshoppers in general can provide better insights into what your subconscious is trying to tell you. One thing we all have in common is that our subconscious emotions don’t lie to us.

 Here are some additional ideas for what a grasshopper dream can mean:

  • Seeing a grasshopper in your dream can signify you have a need to express yourself more openly and confidently in your waking life. 
  • Dreaming of a grasshopper can also mean you feel that you need to summon more courage or have more faith that good things will happen in a situation that makes you feel apprehensive.
  • Your dream can also indicate that you feel the need to make some dramatic changes in your life.

Hopefully understanding more about grasshopper symbolism and meanings will bring new insights into what your dream is telling you.

 Grasshopper Tattoo Meaning

Grasshopper Illustration

A grasshopper tattoo is a powerful symbol that shows the world you are a person who is undergoing a personal transformation. It can also mean that you are willing to make a leap of faith in a given situation (or that you already have.) Or your grasshopper tattoo may simply mean that you love grasshoppers!

Tattoos are very personal to the one whose skin they adorn. But hopefully understanding more about grasshopper symbolism and mythology will bring even deeper meaning to your tattoo.

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Kristen M. Stanton

Hello. Thanks for visiting UniGuide. My name is Kristen and I started UniGuide as a tribute to nature, animals, and spiritual exploration. I hope you enjoy your experience here!